Hey, you.

I am so glad you’re here. Welcome! My name is Hannah Alderete and I am a fierce advocate and admirer of those who’ve struggled, triumphed, and found themselves somewhere in between. As a mental health therapist, introvert, Gemini, cat lady, self-proclaimed yogi, sometimes-spiritual-but mostly-logical-and-emotionally-intelligent individual, I have a lot of both clinical and lived experience under my belt.

My favorite thing in the world is helping people. This space is for you: The adult child of a narcissist or spouse of a narcissist. Who am I to offer this? Well, as a mental health therapist who specializes in narcissistic abuse recovery, I have come to witness that one of the most important aspects of recovery is recognition. When we are recognized for our struggles and triumphs, we are witnessing some of the deepest parts of our humanity and we start to feel seen.

I want this space, these words, and my presence in your life, to feel like a sweet little nudge towards wholeness. My hope is that when you enter this site and leave it, you feel like you spent an afternoon in your favorite aunt’s kitchen, sipping on tea or coffee, having the best soul-to-soul chat, while the two of you laugh over some shared joke. You get some sound life advice and are reminded of your goodness. Your wholeness. That even those parts within you that you want to turn away from are welcomed wholeheartedly to the table.

This is a place to heal (and remember: healing is an ongoing, dynamic process). To be you. To know you. And to remember one thing: You are Already Good Enough. Just as you are.