May 7-14: Coping

If anxiety teaches you anything, it’s that the mind is a creative genius. It knows how to keep you captivated with every new “what if?”. Can you see it as just a story? Does it need to take up all of this space with every passing minute? What happens when you change the story, even just a little bit? Remember one thing: anxiety has its roots in survival and this is why it grips us with such ferocity. Take a moment to scan your present moment: what actually is happening? Yes, your mind will want to bypass this awareness. It will attempt to pull you out of the now and into another time that has not yet happened, and if it has, it’s irrelevant. Today, feel into the strangeness of the now. It only happens seconds at a time. We aren’t serving ourselves when we buy into the anxiety horror story. Be kind to yourself by showing your mind what’s right in front of you.


May 15-22: Enough


April 29-6: Care