April 29-6: Care

When was the last time you showed yourself some care? Can you recall the sweetness of being cared for by another? The offer of tea and chocolate, the emotional attunement, the feeling of being fully seen and supported, the sense that you inhabit this world with rather than without. How would you show yourself that level of care and interest? If you can do it for others, you can do it for you. Period. Don’t equate care with selfishness. That would be an insult, not just to you, but to the act itself. Let yourself be nourished by yourself; Know that you have this caring energy inside of yourself, always available, never to run out. Don’t be fooled into believing that you “can’t” or “aren’t deserving”. Throw those notions out the window and let the breeze dissolve them into nothing. Caring is who you are. Caring is your birthright.


May 7-14: Coping


April 21-28: Judgments